Monday, March 19, 2018

The Importance of Touch

Touch...such a simple word...a word that seems sort of inconsequential....a word not a lot of people pay much attention to....a word and an activity that people have come to take advantage of.

If you take a look back in time you will see that pas civilizations all use touch as a way of communicating, healing, and pleasure.  Over the years we have some how taken an act so sacred, an act so necessary for not only development but survival and we have turned it in to evil. We have turned it into something inappropriate to do. We have turned it into something that is rarely done.

And we wonder why the world is full of hurt and full of violence the likes of which we could never have imagined.

It's simple really....WE ALL LACK TOUCH....The world and all its inhabitants need touch. We desire touch without even knowing it. We yearn for it and require it to keep on keeping on...

Touch promotes so much positivity in the body and the world. 

Decreased Violence:
Wow could you imagine that? Can you imagine a world where the violence we see is decreased so much its as if we actually all like each other?  Could you imagine a world where you can go to the movies or a concert without fear of violence.. Could you imagine a world where our children worse safe from predators no matter where they are...I can! I can because I have seen the amazing affects of touch and spreading love to others. I have seen what the world could become. Frequent loving, warm, gentle touch as an infant is important to the development of healthy physical bonding.  Without being able to create healthy bonds with other people humans fail to thrive and fail to appreciate and respect life in general.

Trust is something that is hard to come by these days.  Even I am guilty of not trusting many people. We as a culture have been hurt to many times by others that we create these walls around us and have a hard time letting people in.  Well, I have some great news for you! Physical touch activates the brains Orbito-frontal Cortex is linked with decision making and helps us to see things clearly.  Touch also triggers the release of oxitocin which is also known as the "feel good or love hormone".  Something as basic as a handshake, hug, high five, or the pat on the back activates the vagus nerve which is linked to regulating anxiety and depression. 

Decreased Disease / Increased Immune System:
A Hug can lower the heart rate and decrease blood pressure.  When hugged the pressure on the chest (sternum area) stimulates the Thymus gland which happens to regulate and balance white blood cells. We all know the white blood cells keep us healthy and are our little warrior cells we send out to battle disease.  Now think about that for one moment...a hug, a nice strong hug in a simply platonic way can be an integral part of your body's healing...Why would we want to keep that from one another? I mean we can't hug ourselves can we? 

Ability to Thrive:
Let's face it, all humans need touch to survive and thrive.  Starting from fetal development to infancy, adolescence, all the way up to adulthood.  Touch is the first sense that is developed in a fetus.  If touch is the first sense then, to me, that means its the building block of life.  We need touch to develop and grow into healthy people with healthy bodies.  We need to bond with each other and learn to again communicate through touch, body language, and words not text messages and emojis. 

The world is hurting and it is our job to heal it as we are the reason for its disease.  We are responsible to keep the world a healthy place for future generations.  Like the generations before us we need to leave it a better place for our children, grandchildren, and great grand children.  They deserve to have a future that is full of love. They deserve a future where a hug is freely given to anyone that asks for one.  Where getting a massage is seen as a necessity by all for general health and not a luxury to only a select few!   I know I for one will do my part to bring about the healing of the world through touch and loving energy.  I hope you will join me! 

Love and Light,

Friday, March 16, 2018

My start to Energy Work

Do you have a similar story? I would love to hear it! 

#bellasoulewellness #massagetherapy #beinganempath #adirondackreiki #healingarts #energyhealing #bodywork